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How my hair transition became the foundation of a dream

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

A mission

A mission is a work that someone believes it is their duty to do. And a mission can certainly be the result of a dream. And a dream can change its form, purpose, and goal - it adapts to the circumstances in life. And sometimes the dream we thought to be the one, transforms itself, and changes the mission.

Curl2be was never a dream, but it became one. Its mission: to offer a variety of products made with natural ingredients so people like me feel encouraged to embrace their hair.

This article tells you a little bit about the journey that took me create my own online shop Curl2be.

Table of contents:

The beginning of this journey

I am a Brazilian living in Denmark. When I moved here, more than 10 years ago, I was still straightening my curly hair. That was a practice very common in Brazil until very recently. I tried to continue this journey when I arrived in Denmark, believing that a straight hair was easier to take care of and would make me happier. I was just trying to fit in!

A woman smiling to the camera. Behind her, there is a channel and some boats (on the right side), and people walking in front of restaurants (on the left side).
When I arrived in Denmark, I continued straightening my hair

I soon realized that the reality I left behind. Unfortunately, in Brazil, and in many other places in this world, we are bombarded with the same discourse that straight hair is ideal and pretty, whereas any other type of textured hair is bad. And although Brazil is a country where 56% of the population identified itself as Black, during all the 32 years I lived there, I never felt represented. I now understand that this feeling had a reason: after all, the adjectives commonly associated to my hair type are bad and out of control, not normal.

Picture of various people with different ages and gender, hair colour and texture and skin colour.
Representativity matters!

Magazines and tv still associate straight hair with beauty and success, while curly hair is very slowly gaining some recognition. Believe or not, yet today, black women with their wonderful natural hair have less chance of getting a job interview in Brazil. This is unbelievable and unacceptable - there is a lot that needs to be done to change this reality!

Neusa Santos Souza, in her book called Tornar-se negro (To become black) explains the social context against which black men and women are confronted every single day:

It is the authority of the white aesthetic that defines the beautiful and its counterpart, the ugly, in this class society, in which places of power and decision-making are occupied hegemonically by whites (…) It is this same authority that conquers, in blacks and whites, the legitimizing consensus of ideological standards that discriminate one to the detriment of the other. (My own translation)

Inserted in this reality, I always thought my hair was ugly and that adjectives such as uncontrolled, volumized and frizzy were to be avoid if one wanted to fit in and feel pretty. Fortunately, after moving to Denmark, I realize that I was not the problem, but society and its ideology. Moreover, the pregnancy of my first child made me look for more natural ways to deal with my curls. Therefore, I decided to embrace my natural curls and start my transition.

A woman holding her curly hair down in front of her face.
The journey of transitioning from what people think your hair should look like to how you feel it should be is well worth it

But then, during my hair transition, I came across another obstacle: in a society where most people are blond and have straight hair, it became clear for me that finding a good product for my hair structure would be mission impossible. Not only that, but there was also a lack of people with whom I could talk about it, which made the journey very difficult and demotivating. For these reasons, I often thought about giving up. I finally found groups in social media, tried many products and finally found good ones. I am constantly learning about new techniques, what works and doesn't work in my hair, and feeling surprised that now I don't see volume and frizz as bad. Most of all, I have learnt to accept my hair (and myself) the way it is.

The reason behind Curl2be

Curl2be was born out of a desire to share my knowledge about curly hair, hair transition, techniques, and hair products with those who are now thinking or going through the same doubts and paths I did.

It is an online shop located in Odense, Denmark. It sells hair products and accessories to all types of hair, particularly wavy, curly and kinky hair. In its Instagram and Facebook pages, it shares information about shampoos, conditioners, styling products, and the techniques that can be used with them to improve results. It is constantly with new products, always seeking for the ones made with natural ingredients, and which are cruelty free.

Are you also thinking about accepting and embracing your natural hair?

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