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A story of acceptance

Picture of me, the founder and CEO of Curl2be.

Hi. My name is Ana Amélia. I am a Brazilian living in Denmark. When I moved here, almost 10 years ago, I was still straightening my hair. That was a practice very common in Brazil until very recently. I tried to continue this journey here, believing that a straight hair was easier to take care of and would make me happier. But the pregnancy of my first child obliged me to look for more natural ways to deal with what I believed to be a problem. Moreover, I realized that my curly hair was much desired among people here. Therefore, I decided to embrace my natural curls and start my transition. At first, it was not easy: lack of products and of people with whom I could talk about made the journey even more difficult. I often thought about giving up. I finally found groups in social media, tried many products and found good ones. Most of all, I accepted my hair the way it is.




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